We are thrown into this life as human beings. No, you can’t be or become everything. For reasons of time alone, you have to choose, because – spoiler alert: you will die… And that’s a good thing!
In addition to temporal transience, you don’t choose your genes, your parents, your early influences and maybe not even your breast or penis size. In some cases, the zip code you were born in says more about your life perspectives than your GPA and IQ combined. Sad but true. #hesaidpenis
Nevertheless, you do have influence: to recognize your own nature and essence, to accept it and not to try desperately to square a circle – just by hitting it harder and harder. This means knowing yourself, accepting yourself and living authentically. As long as you try to be someone you are not, or run away from your compensations, traumas and fears, you will have more and more complicated problems and painful symptoms in your life. Stop whining and make something out of it – make yourself out of it!
Everyone has to live with this “thrownness” and the fate it contains, whether they want to or not – life doesn’t ask. In addition, we have to learn to deal with the supposedly “hard” aspects of life: death, illness, disappointment, guilt, loss, change, suffering, meaninglessness, loneliness, freedom, responsibility, existential fears, income tax returns, tomorrow’s strawberry prices, etc. The philosophical and therapeutic approach: In spite of being thrown and your inherent fate in life, with all the burdens you have to bear, you should still say “Yes!” to life. You should gain clarity, throw off ballast, establish ease and authenticity, clarify your personal purpose and, of course, why you want to stay alive at all. And that is how you learn to: laugh and dance!
“And when I saw my devil, I found him serious, thorough, profound, solemn: he was the spirit of gravity – through him all things fall.
Not by wrath, but by laughter do we slay. Come, let us slay the spirit of gravity!
I learned to walk; since then have I let myself run. I learned to fly; since then I do not need pushing in order to move from a spot.
Now I am light, now do I fly; now do I see myself under myself. Now there danceth a God in me.” – Friedrich Nietzsche
Speaking of dancing … I dance too, and I dance freely through the world – and it’s wonderful. In November 2019, I deregistered my apartment in Germany, buried my traditional life and have been living without a permanent residence ever since. I sold all my possessions and reduced them to two bags and about twelve kilograms. I feel where I’m attracted and if I like it, I’m happy to stay longer. I have a international travel health insurance and fixed expenses of about 200 Euros per month. While traveling, I work with a handful of wonderful clients for no more than 20-25 hours a week. The rest I invest in myself: reading, writing, meditation, exercise, yoga, psychology, philosophy, walking and just being. Does that sound crazy and too good to be true? I used to think so too. Today I know it is possible and an indescribable freedom! When was the last time you made a date to drink a cappuccino in the sun with yourself for a whole afternoon and felt unstressed, relaxed and happy? #thinkaboutit
As part of my AMOR FATI work, I also help my clients to kick out the trash, minimize and live a free life. If desired, I help them to deregister, to emigrate and to lead a permanent traveling lifestyle. I not only coordinate and help with the organization and implementation of the emigration, but we also work together on any emotional issues that may arise during the process of becoming free. Because: Being free has to be learned!
“Freedom means: Free space. Free time. Free life. Free death. Or as we say at AMOR FATI: live easy, die happy. Of course, this is not a standard model in such an extreme way. But a philosopher wouldn’t be a philosopher if he didn’t live his ideals.” – Dr. Christian Zippel