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Dr. Christian Zippel | AMOR FATI
Author: Sascha


Whenever I am asked: “Who is this Zippel and what does he do?”, I always give the following explanation: To describe him is not so easy, because he is a special kind of person. At the same time he is the mentally, physically and spiritually freest or most developed person I have met so far.

I wanted to see if mutual friends had a better answer to this question. So I asked Tim, since he has also traveled with Christian several times. I was able to get to know Tim some time ago through mutual travels with Dr. Z.

Tim’s detailed answer:
“Christian is a philosopher who moves a lot, explains many things and makes them understandable. Something lively emerges from his writings, which helps many people to find and develop themselves anew. He has created a mighty and self-confident philosophy, that creates something new out of destruction. A philosophy that is direct, robust and sometimes shocking, but always honest. Supportive and motivating as well … and sometimes as hell.

Christian’s texts, articles and books encourage to reflection. Also to overcome stiffness and numbness and lead people to action. This gives support and creates orientation and stability for everyone who is ready to overcome the usual. It’s for everyone who wants to change something, is dissatisfied with life or is even stuck in the wrong life. It is an opportunity for a new life. A way to find and live your dream.“

“Peter? How would you describe Dr. Zippel? “, I asked our muscular friend and Bodybuilding World Champion from the Ruhrpott area.
“I don’t know, you can’t describe it. Simply read his book, Leider geil, fett und faul, then you actually get the best impression in his thinking, feeling, living…”


I initially knew Zippel only from his books and from stories told by our mutual friend Peter. When I reached a point in my life where I had the feeling that important and essential changes were necessary for me, I wondered what Dr. Z would have to say about my thoughts. So I arranged a coaching session with him on the island of Rügen and went to see him for a few days.

At the same time this was the beginning of an intensive exchange, a wonderful friendship and the start of AMOR FATI. Since then I wanted to know everything about this strong and free philosophy of life from Zippel, to try it out for myself and to integrate it into my life. So I invested several years. Did a lot of coaching and traveling with Christian, lived with him several times, made him my mentor and learned to live, love and teach the AMOR FATI lifestyle for myself.

Dr. Christian Zippel - L-Sit

In addition to being an author and philosopher, Christian is a great therapist and coach. Completely holistic: for body, mind and soul, but also for the social, sexual and financial issues, with very own thoughtful views, which he always lives himself too. All of this together creates an ideal package that does not exist on this planet with that high quality and intensity. He manages to pick everyone up where he is at the current moment. Also to reflect with him, to reveal harmful patterns, to demonstrate outdated patterns of thinking and to define the rubbish.

He finds ways to manage all challenges in a special way. So you can overcome your former self and create a better, stronger and happier one. Like in his book, Bring den Müll raus (Kick out the trash) mentioned, thought patterns are restructured and malicious programs get overwritten with good ones. He is doing this without devaluation and arrogance but happy, balanced and satisfied. In the flow with himself and nature.

He connects mind and body. He shows how Yin and Yang interact and why they belong together. He teaches how to dance through life, have fun and enjoy it. Honestly: Who still does this today?
Christian shows how to create stability in yourself instead of looking for it in the outside world. How to create a stable core within the inner chaos. A glimmer of hope for everyone who wants to change something and wants to find his true essential self.

Dr. Z muskuläre Entwicklung
Dr. Christian Zippel - Spiegel


In his mid-twenties, Christian Zippel gets his doctorate in philosophy at the University of Applied Sciences in Munich. At the same time, he works as a fencing instructor and personal trainer. He only teaches what he lives for himself, shapes his body on the gymnastics rings and with heavy weights. At peak times, he reaches a body weight of 104 kg and consumes up to 8,000 kcal per day. What’s even more amazing is that he accomplishes all of this 100% naturally. In his book HFT – Hochfrequenztraining & Autoregulation (HFT – High Frequency Training & Autoregulation) he describes how this is possible. In total, he has more than doubled his body weight during his training career: from the original 48 to 104 kg.

In over 20 years of weight training, muscle building, dieting and six pack, he has written several books on these topics. Probably the best known is Der Wille zur Kraft – Die 10 Gebote kompromissloser Leistungssteigerung in Bodybuilding & Kraftsport (The Will to Strength – The 10 Commandments of Uncompromising Performance Improvement in Bodybuilding & Weight Training). I always call it the first philosophical weight training book.

At the same time, Christian launched the “Der Wille zur Kraft blog” (The will to strength blog). Here he regularly writes philosophical articles on the topics of weight training, bodybuilding, mindset and development. With his radical, direct uniqueness, he inspires up to 50,000 readers per week. At one point, he simply deleted the blog because he had finished focusing on ” building muscles” and wanted to concentrate more on mental and spiritual development. Zippel is uncompromising and extreme.

Christian still does weight training – every day. However, according to the Pareto principle. Focusing on the points that are really relevant for results. He has even published a book on this subject: HET – Hocheffizient trainieren (HET – Highly Efficient Training). In addition, he is an enthusiastic martial artist. In total, he has published 16 books, in the thematic field between physics, fitness and philosophy.


Christian has read over 4,000 books so far. A walking encyclopedia. Everything from quantum physics to psychology to fly fishing. There is no topic on which he cannot recommend a book. Most recently, he lived on the baltic island of Rügen in Germany. He came here because of fishing, another great passion of him. He has lived in Zubzow Castle, with a unique training and meditation room, right at the top of the tower. Christian loves extremes and since October 18th, 2018 he has de-registered from Germany. He has dissolved his residence, sold his possessions, cancelled contracts and is now traveling the world to live a new level of freedom and development. He says he has fully evolved (out of every imaginable entanglement), paraphrasing Tyler Durden: “Everything you own, eventually owns you.”

I also asked Christian himself who or what he is? His lapidary answer: “happy sapiens – no homo.”

Short report in german TV about Dr. Christian Zippel and his work as a philosopher, coach and therapist.